We are an engineering office, which develops intelligent solutions for different building projects with a variegated team of excellent engineers, dedicated technicians and excellent designers.
Our customers are consulted individually because each project has its own, specific requirements. Technically ideal, economically worthwhile and aesthetically successful implementations, which we elaborate in our offices in Bludenz, Raggal and Bad Ischl, are important to us.
In times of increasing bureaucracy amiko stands for trustworthiness and mutual confidence.
Most managers hesitate to let their staff run with the ball, but it is amazing, who fast an informed and motivated person can run.
- Lee Iacocca, US-american manager
During our relatively young company history we were already able to work on extensive and complex projects in Austria and abroad. For us challenges are chances to collect experience and knowledge. It is our aim to provide each customer with individual solutions.
Asfinag, bridge inspection viaduct Schottwien
ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH
ASFINAG, A10, reconditioning/replacement noise protection and bridge
ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH
Municipality of Bad Goisern, bridge inspections 2023
Marktgemeinde Bad Goisern
ASFINAG, S06, construction inspection tunnel chain Semmering
ASFINAG - Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen Finanzierungs-AG
Bad Goisern, inspection Sophien-bridge
Marktgemeinde Bad Goisern
Cycle path Enns-valley, Styria, alternative Buchau
Komobile Gmunden GmbH