...for a little company outing, Sascha thought, and so we went to the BAU 2025 fair in Munich.
To experience innovation, vision and the future of construction industries was our motto. So, we were looking forward to exciting news, sustainable solutions and chats with experts from all over the world. We’re curious already about all the progress we’ll be able to witness in the future.
…were our thoughts and so we let ourselves be regaled in the “Gasthof Roessle” (Braz) on 13th December 2024 for our Christmas Do again. According to the principle of “Can feasting be a sin?” we indulged in the culinary delicacies of the traditional restaurant. The “Roessle”-team also took very good care of our fluid balance in form of glogg, excellent wines and even a glass of rum late in the evening. A big thank-you goes to Sascha for inviting us to this lovely and joyful celebration.
On 28th September 2024 we were invited to the wedding of our colleagues Marina and Stefan. In the parish church of Nenzing we witnessed a touching ceremony and neither the rain nor the cool temperatures could stop the guests from having a good time at the reception afterwards. The traditional costume association and the music band Nenzing took care of our culinary and aural delight. During the party later in the parish hall we could indulge in more delicious food and burn those calories straight away with a little dance. (Word has it that people in Upper Austria occasionally like to dance without shoes.)
We thank the bridal pair for the generous invitation and the memorable celebration!
Marina and Stefan, with all our heart, we wish you a wonder-ful future, patience for each other in everyday life and joy for all your mutual ventures!
Autumn isn’t just the season of hard work in gardens and fields we too have a lot to do with new projects, which we were commissioned with. Here are a few of them:
- ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH, A14 Feldkirch-Frastanz km 40,60 - km 42,90 and bridges F4-F8; planning of civil engineering structures, road planning, planning of redevelopment of waterway rights, planning of site traffic routening, site coordination
- ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH, A14, redevelopment of waterway rights and overhauling of bridges from Hohenems to Goetzis, km 24,27 – km 28,82; tender design and execution planning
- ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH, A13, Sonnenburgerhof tunnel und drainage tunnel Steinbruch bridge; building inspections 2024
- ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH, A13, new building of toll stations; certificates of structural analyses
- County Government of Salzburg, L106.003 km 0,70 subway of the Austrian Federal Railways, general refurbishing and broadening for a foot and cycle path; certificates of structural analyses
- County Government of Styria, feasibility study foot and cycle path Selzthal
The Salzwelten GmbH offer a breathtaking view from an observation platform over Lake Hallstatt with its surrounding mountains high above the UNESCO world heritage town of Hallstatt. To ensure the visitor’s security while wandering on the footbridge to the platform we were appointed with the inspection of the components. Fortunately, our colleagues are such pros and weren’t distracted by the unique surroundings. The mission with their climbing equipment surely gave them an adrenaline kick anyway.
Sascha offers his employees to lease a so called “job bike” through the office. This means: If we are interested, we search for an e-bike with a partner company of, amiko bau consult arranges the payment by instalments with a leasing firm and these will then be deducted from the salary. This way the employees save themselves the VAT and petrol costs for the way to the office by car or for car rides in their leisure time. Instead, it will be a plus in fitness and environmental friendliness.
This offer shows once again: Amiko takes care to grease the wheels for its staff.
… that’s how we could quote Queen in their song “I want it all” if we see our colleague Walter Reisenauer on these pictures. However, he and Rudi Pernkopf are no “Adventure seeker(s) on an empty street” but take care of the safety on the A10 motorway near Salzburg. Their job is to inspect retaining structures next to the motorway and issue an estimation about necessary reconditioning works. The ravages of time, emissions and mother nature herself gnaw at the structures, so they have to be inspected regularly according to current laws. Who can still claim that the job of a structural engineer is just a boring occupation behind a desk?
Thousands of tourists visit the Lake Hallstatt in Upper Austria every year and take a stroll at its banks. To make sure nobody accidentally gets thrown in at the deep end, the footbridges, arcades as well as the plank bridge on the eastern hiking path need regular structural inspections. We are commissioned with these inspections by the local authorities of Bad Goisern, Hallstatt and Obertraun.
First we get an overview with a drone flight and marvel at the lake’s beauty along the way. These shots form the basis for the technical documentation of the in-situ inspection later on. With the results of our inspections the neighbouring municipalities will induce potentially required reconstruction works before the winter closure of the path is going to be repealed.
With the early snow in November we started the Christmas season last Friday too: Our traditional Christmas do took place on 1st December in the Hotel “Rössle” in Braz once more. We were looking forward to meeting colleagues from near and far as well as to enjoying a delicious meal in the restaurant. We had a great time with tasty food, a lot of fun together and can hardly wait for the next year to do it all again.
Will bridge and building inspections with a cherry picker soon be a thing of the past? Objects have already been inspected by drones in the U.S.A. However, the technology is not yet so far developed that it works independently. Still it will help engineering to enter new dimensions.
The advantages of an additional inspection of road or bridge buildings with drones are obvious: Difficult of access areas can be examined at close range, an overview of the object can easily be achieved, according to the size of the project the time for the survey can be reduced considerably and projects can be carried out more efficiently and exactly.
We are happy to announce that three of our engineers have now got a flight licence for large drones and are enthusiastic about getting acquainted with this latest technology. We are looking forward to this new field of activity and oncoming projects.
and pride we can inform you that our Hubi has successfully passed his final apprenticeship examination. Now he can use all his know-how for exciting projects and share his knowledge with our new apprentice.
We are very proud of you, Hubi!