Public buildings
Building category
Solid construction
Construction method
Planning of structural framework
Performed services
October 2019
Processing time from
April 2021
Processing time until
DI Sascha Grujic
Project manager
DI Walter Reisenauer
Substitute project manager
Amt der Stadt Bludenz
Description of project
The town council of Bludenz conducted the new building of the kindergarten Bings in the years 2019 to 2021. The front shows a self-contained design towards the thoroughfare. The other sides are supplied with picture windows. The building was erected as massive construction and the interior is revetted with pinewood. On the first floor a large balcony is situated. The roof area is extensively covered with plants and grass.
See article in “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” („Leben & Wohnen“): https://lebenundwohnen.vol.at/man-lernt-nie-aus/
Description of tasks
We performed the following tasks in cooperation with the architectural office zottele.mallin:
- structural and constructional preliminary design/engineering design for the massive construction
- structural application design and execution planning
- development of details for metalworkers in sketches for statically relevant parts
- inspection of reinforcement on site
- calculation of frontage details
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