Business- and office buildings
Building category
Timber construction, Solid construction, Steel construction, System building construction
Construction method
Planning of structural framework
Performed services
January 2021
Processing time from
June 2021
Processing time until
DI Georg Wallner
Project manager
DI Sascha Grujic
Substitute project manager
Alexander Grujic
Project team member
SPAR Österr. Warenhandels AG, Zentrale Dornbirn
1.080,00 m³
Building volume
180,00 m²
Gross floor area
Description of project
The SPAR main office in Dornbirn - Wallenmahd (A) was built in 1998 - 2000. Due to altered requirements it was necessary to adjust the canteen. To do so, the grassed halation on the top floor was replaced with a glass-timber construction, an existing conservatory was enlarged with a glass-steel construction and in the adjoining area the kitchen, cooling chambers, bathroom facilities and living zones were renewed respectively rebuilt.
Our task was to provide the planning of structural framework for the new building parts. We had to examine the transfer of loads and the load distribution on the existing pillars and to provide the relevant underpinning in order to ensure structural safety. During the renewal works at existing parts several breaches had to be made especially for the new ventilation. This made recalculations and an investigation of the reinforced concrete beams, hollow core slabs, ribbed slabs and in-situ concrete slabs necessary.
Description of tasks
- Statically constructive support for the new erected breaker in the form of a timber construction including the necessary reinforced concrete beams for the load distribution on the existing structure
- Statically constructive support of the steel-glass roof adjoining to the existing conservatory
- Survey of refurbishment works at the support structure of existing parts, especially of the breaches for the newly implemented installation engineering
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