Restauration of Bregenzerach-bridges, L200 (A)

Bridges, Infrastructure

Building category

Solid construction

Construction method

Detail planning, Planning of structural framework

Performed services



January 2015

Processing time from

October 2016

Processing time until

DI Walter Reisenauer

Project manager

DI Sascha Grujic

Substitute project manager

Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung


T-beam bridges

Type of bridge


Number of fields

29,90 m

Maximum span

30,90 m

Length of bride

253,00 m²

Expanse of bridge

Description of project

While building the L200, Bregenzerwaldstraße, the bridges across the Bregenzerach at the power station (km 45.91) and at Felderbrünnele (km 47.05) were erected in 1965. They are prestressed T-beam-bridges with a crossing angle of 65.50 gon. The spans of the bridges are 25.90 m respectively 29.90 m. Their carriageway width is 6.60 m and the edge beams on both sides show a height of 80 cm. As the bridge at the power station turns from a straight into a bend, the lane expands into the direction of Schröcken.

Felderbrünnele: single span bridge; span width: 29.90; length: 30,90 m; area: 253.38 m2
Power station: single span bridge; span width: 25.90 m; length: 26.90 m; area: 220.58 m2

Description of tasks

  • Restauration while maintaining traffic (1/0-traiffic routing on the bridge)
  • New building of edge beams on the supporting structure and wing walls by using steel safety kerbs instead of granite safety kerbs
  • Renewal of bridge drainage, fall protection as well as road surface and bridge insulation
  • Expansion joints had to be exchanged and newly dimensioned
  • Bed stabilisation and slope stabilisation measures at bridge “Felderbrünnele”

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