Bridges, Protective structures, Underground- and hydraulic structures, Infrastructure
Building category
Earth- and soil engineering, Solid construction
Construction method
Detail planning, Planning of structural framework
Performed services
August 2018
Processing time from
December 2022
Processing time until
DI Georg Wallner
Project manager
DI Katharina Thomson
Substitute project manager
DI Angela Gratzer, DI Rudolf Pernkopf, Alexander Grujic
Project team member
Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung Gebietsbauleitung Bludenz
Integral bridges, untensioned
Type of bridge
Number of fields
16,95 m
Maximum span
30,50 m
Length of bride
353,00 m²
Expanse of bridge
State road
Type of road
10,50 m
Width of road
815,00 m
Length of road
57,80 m
Length of crown dam
14,80 m
Description of project
On behalf of the bureau of torrents and avalanche protection, section Bludenz, we made the detailed planning and the structure planning for the torrent barrier in the Rellsbach-river in Vandans (total area 560 m2).
With this project the re-allocation of the L83 from km 0.909,500 to km 1.411,900 eastbound, including the new building of the Rellsbach-bridge and the Auenlatschbach-bridge were planned in detail. Furthermore the junction of the affected side roads, especially the Innerbachstrasse and the Riederstrasse, had to be adapted to the new street course.
The planning included the implementation planning of the L83 as well as the structural design of the new bridges.
- Auenlatschbach-bridge: span approx. 11.60 m, width aprrox. 10.10 m, inclination 40°
- Rellsbach-bridge: span approx. 17.35 m width variable on average approx. 11.30 m, inclination 78°
Description of tasks - torrent barrier
- Site inspection and in-situ survey
- Structural planning and static calculations
- Elaboration of detailed plans
Description of tasks in open field - road and bridges
- Survey of existing grounds/site inspection
- Detailed planning re-allocation of L83 km 0.909,500 bis km 1.411,900, which included:
- 2 left turn-off lanes
- Pedestrian crossings with crossing aid (centre island)
- Planning of carriageway drainage
- Detailed planning of junction Innerbach- and Riederstrasse, adjustment of crossroads at the start and end of the construction section, new access road for the bureau of torrent and avalanche protection
- Creation of pavement design specification
- Creation of traffic signs and road marking plans as well as the traffic sign register
- Creation of pipework plans
- Detailed planning
- Creation of specifications for tenders (after finishing embankment, 2021)
Description of tasks - new building of bridges
- Survey of existing grounds/site inspection
- Digitisation of as-built plans into adequate CAD-plans
- Structural analysis of the refurbishment concept and the semi-integral model
- Structural design of the edge beam anchoring and proof of cantilever plates and bridge frames including requirements for the current restraint systems
- Tender design
- Creation of specification for tenders
- Detailed planning
- Monitoring
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