Protective structures, Underground- and hydraulic structures
Building category
Solid construction
Construction method
Detail planning, Planning of structural framework
Performed services
August 2017
Processing time from
January 2018
Processing time until
DI Georg Wallner
Project manager
DI Sascha Grujic
Substitute project manager
Andrea Sandholzer
Project team member
Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung - Gebietsbauleitung OÖ West
24,90 m
Length of crown dam
4,50 m
Description of project
The Brunn-Trench is situated in the municipality of Timelkam and has a crown length of 25 m as well as a maximum height above base of 4.50 m. The foundation plate is approx. 8 m/9 m big. A spillway with 2 m height and 3 m width was created for the filter section. The filter (made of rolled sections on upstream wings) is 4.40 m long.
Special tasks
Originally the planning comprised the load transfer with three concrete slots on the stable “Völkla-Streak”. During the building phase it turned out that the upper soil layer of the streambed (fine-grained stream sediments) was not firm enough - contrary to the soil exploration made next to the river. Therefore, a pile foundation had to be redesigned at short time.
Description of tasks
- Structural engineering and static calculation
- Detailed drawing of plans including reinforcement plan
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