OBB, avalanche protection roof “Bachfalle”


Building category

Solid construction

Construction method

Detail planning, Planning for submission, Planning of structural framework

Performed services



July 2013

Processing time from

October 2016

Processing time until

DI Sascha Grujic

Project manager

250.000,00 €

Project costs

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG


Description of project

The OBB Infrastructure plc (Austrian federal railway company) commissioned our office with the elaboration of the planning documents for the removal of the avalanche protection roof “Bachfalle” (route Innsbruck – Bludenz, km 112,663 bis km 112,697) in Kloesterle (A).

The prefabricated roof and the supports on the south were removed. The reinforced concrete wall on the north side and the wing walls on both sides, which protrude the slope, were taken off down to the top edge of the slope. To stabilize the structure a perimeter was concreted on the north side wall as well as on the wing walls.

Description of tasks

  • Statically and constructively development of the new building parts
  • Elaboration of as-built plan/demolition plan/uprooting plan and measures plan
  • Composition of building application and technical report

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