ASFINAG, A14, junction Feldkirch-Frastanz

Business- and office buildings, Industrial- and commercial buildings

Building category

Solid construction, Steel construction

Construction method

Detail planning, Planning of structural framework

Performed services



May 2020

Processing time from

June 2021

Processing time until

DI Sascha Grujic

Project manager

DI Walter Reisenauer, DI Georg Wallner

Substitute project manager

Alexander Grujic

Project team member

SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG


9.900,00 m³

Building volume

1.250,00 m²

Gross floor area

Description of project

In the year 2020 the SPAR-shop in Bludenz/Alte Landstrasse and in the year 2021 the SPAR-shops in Göfis and Mäder underwent reconstructions. We were assigned by the SPAR Österreichische Warenhandels AG to carry out the structural calculations of the supporting framework. This included the structural analysis and dimensioning of the modification works as well as the reinforcement drawings for the new components.

Description of tasks SPAR-shop Bludenz

  • Cubic contents: approx. 8,800 m3 (incl. awning-cantilever 7.40 m), gross floor area: approx. 1,250 m2
  • Site inspection and recording on site awning, underpinning and base
  • Calculation and dimensioning of awning construction
  • Evaluation of carrying capacity of remaining components underpinning/base
  • Dimensioning of new steel supports
  • Specifications of steel supports
  • Examination of existing steel supports/base with new loads
  • Execution planning for bases
  • Calculation of structural supporting components for bearing’s enlargement
  • Reinforcement drawings and execution details for bearing construction

Description of tasks SPAR-shop Göfis

  • Cubic contents: approx. 9,900 m3 (incl. awning-cantilever 7.40 m), gross floor area: approx. 1,200 m2
  • Inspection of existing structures with extension awning
  • Recalculation of all structural relevant components for the new awning
  • Final structural dimensioning bearing structure awning
  • Structural examination of refurbishment works including enlargement of bearing structure
  • Structural pre and final dimensioning bearing structure
  • Reinforcement plans for complete concrete structure
  • Rebar inspections

Description of tasks SPAR-shop Mäder

  • Cubic contents: approx. 7,500 m3 (incl. awning-cantilever 6.70 m), gross floor area: approx. 1,250 m2
  • Inspection of existing structures truss girders and modification works from a structural point of view
  • Structural pre and final dimensioning bearing structure awning
  • Structural pre and final dimensioning bearing structure storage/shop enlargement
  • Reinforcement plans for complete concrete structure
  • Factory specifications for construction details made of timber and steel
  • Rebar inspections

You would like to know more about our projects or you have detailed questions? Don’t hesitate and get in touch with us here.