Bridges, Infrastructure
Building category
Earth- and soil engineering, Solid construction
Construction method
Detail planning, Planning of structural framework
Performed services
November 2018
Processing time from
December 2021
Processing time until
DI Rudolf Pernkopf
Project manager
DI Sascha Grujic
Substitute project manager
DI Walter Reisenauer, DI Katharina Thomson
Project team member
1.250.000,00 €
Project costs
ASFINAG - Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen Finanzierungs-AG
Box girder bridges, Prestressed concrete bridge
Type of bridge
Number of fields
50,00 m
Maximum span
555,00 m
Length of bride
6.321,00 m²
Expanse of bridge
Type of road
11,30 m
Width of road
2.202,00 m
Length of road
Description of project
We were assigned by the Asfinag (Austrian federal motorway financing plc) to plan the general refurbishment of the motorway junction Feldkirch-Frastanz, lanes 100, 200, 300, 400, bridges F1 and F3 as well as the wing walls/supporting walls at F5 and F6.
The following parts were executed:
- General refurbishment of bridge F1, overall length of bridge approx. 291 m, width 11.3 m respectively about 22.4m, largest span length 50 m, prestressed concrete, overall area approx. 3,453 m2.
- General refurbishment of bridge F3, overall length of bridge approx. 264 m, pivot length about 200 m respectively approx. 192 m, width about 9.3 m respectively 11.3 m, at most about 19.3 m, largest span length approx. 43.5 m, prestressed concrete, overall area approx. 2,868 m2
- General refurbishment of retaining structure
- F5, length 93.1 m, area approx. 688 m2
- F6 part 1, length 114.2 m, area 1,034 m2
- F6 part 2, length 162.2, area 1,661 m2
- Superstructure refurbishment/road surfacing overhaul of junction
- Ramp 1 = lane 100: 1,000 m
- Ramp 2 = lane 200: 532 m
- Ramp 3 = lane 300: 345 m
- Ramp 4 = lane 400: 325 m
Executed Services:
- Preliminary design and general draft
- Planning for bid invitation
- Execution planning
- Detailed planning
Description of tasks
- Planning general refurbishment of bridges
- Renewal of bridge sealing
- Renewal of expansion joints
- Removal and new building of chamber walls
- Refurbishment of bearings, renewal of two bearings
- Drainage system, edge beams
- Road restraint system
- Safety barrier and splash guard
- Renewal of road surface
- Concrete restoration
- Planning renovation of supporting walls
- with a permanent anchored ferroconcrete facing shell
- Road construction draft of the access roads/building road
- Renewal of ramps
- Pavement design specifications
- Milling and renewal of bituminous base layers
- Planning of traffic routeing including detours
- New signposting/direction signs
- Permission of water rights
- Renewal of soil filter troughs
- Retrofit and replacement of pipes
- Building of two traffic area security shafts
- Planning coordination according to laws
You would like to know more about our projects or you have detailed questions? Don’t hesitate and get in touch with us here.