Infrastructure, Tunnel
Building category
Construction method
Building inspection
Performed services
June 2021
Processing time from
November 2023
Processing time until
DI Rudolf Pernkopf
Project manager
DI Angela Gratzer
Substitute project manager
118.000,00 €
Project costs
Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Type of road
11,00 m
Width of road
1.993,00 m
Length of road
1.993,00 m
Length of tunnel
Road networks
Description of project
A02 Sued Autobahn
Tunnel chain “Pack” – tunnel Assingberg, Herzogberg, Mitterberg and Kalcherkogel
Structure inspection 2021/2022 (main tunnel survey) and refurbishment concepts
- Assingberg tunnel
- Overall length north tube approx. 250 m – south tube approx. 248.50 m
- Miner’s tunnel north tube (lightly reinforced inner shell) approx. 236 m – south tube approx. 216 m
- Open cut tunnelling north tube: east 7.5 m, west 7 m – south tube: east 22 m, west 10.5 m
- Soundproofing panels north tube: west approx. 31 mNo escape and emergency routes in the tunnel
- No breakdown lay-bys
- No fire niches and no emergency call niches in the tunnel
- Herzogenberg tunnel Overall length north tube approx. 2,007 m – south tube approx. 1,968 m
- Mainly mining method
- Open cut tunnelling for both tubes in the portal sections
- Escape and emergency routes (4 crosscuts)
- breakdown lay-by per tunnel tube
- Mitterberg tunnel Overall length north tunnel tube approx. 1,134 m – south tube approx. 1,142 m
- Miner’s tunnel north tube approx. 1,063 m – south tube approx. 1,055 m
- Open cut tunnelling north tube: east 31 m, west 40 m – south tube: east 46 m, west 42 m
- Escape and emergency route (3 crosscuts)
- No breakdown lay-by
- Niches (north and south tube each 11 fire niches, 3 emergency call niches and 2 emergency call points)
- Kalcherkogel tunnel
- Overall length north tunnel tube approx. 1,967 m – south tube approx. 1,993 m
- Miner’s tunnel north tube approx. 1,911 m – south tube approx. 1,931 m
- Open cut tunnelling north tube: east 24 m, west 32 m – south tube: east 28 m, west 34 m
- Escape and emergency route (6 crosscuts)
- 1 breakdown lay-by per tunnel tube
- Niches (north and south tube each 17 fire niches, 7 emergency call niches and 1 emergency call point)
Description of tasks
- In-depth survey of the tunnel constructions Assingberg, Mitterberg and Kalcherkogel
- Design of inspection reports according to RVS 13.03.11 (cut-and-cover method) and RVS 13.03.31 (road tunnels) with determination of damage classes
- Inclusion of report in 3-D-tunnel scan of the driving area provided by the client
- Analysis of sewer’s video survey records
- Elaboration of damage plans for premises, crosscuts and cable collectors
- Elaboration of refurbishment concepts for the above-mentioned tunnel sites
- Elaboration of a photographic documentation
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