Due to the recent masses of snow we want to have a look at this subject from a statically point of view. How much snow can a flat roof/saddle roof bear? When do I have to start shovelling it off?
Unfortunately there are no universal answers. The snow load, which has to be taken into account for statically calculations, depends on the region, the sea level and in Austria is regulated by the “ÖNORM B 1991-1-4”. The snow load for your location can be inquired at a structural engineer office or the responsible building authority (municipal office).
As the volume weight of snow can vary (powder snow, wet snow, corn snow) the actual snow load can only be found out by weighing. In order to do so one takes a “snow pillar” and weighs it. This way the weight per square meter can be converted. It can simply be done by putting down a tube in the snow right to the rooftop. Then the snow pillar (and the joint ice) has to be weight. Divide the weight by the tube’s surface and you will get the load of the snow concerned.
By observing deformations of the supporting structure or crack widths in the concrete it can be estimated, whether the structure has got reserves or not. Striking deformations are a sign of heavy wearing at the supporting structure. The actual bearing capacity can only be figured out by calculation. In this case please consult a structural engineer, master builder or the site supervisor of your house. The bearing capacity for wood- and steel formwork can be found out quite easily. Only for reinforced concrete structures with unknown reinforcement content no recalculation can be carried out.

If the snow load and the bearing reserves show that the snow on a roof needs to be shovelled off, then please be careful! Never underestimate the danger of falling down. There may be additional hazards like being swept away by sliding snow or slipping on patches of ice. Therefore we highly recommend professional aid, e.g. the local fire brigade.
Every year again our amiko Christimas do becomes a real family gathering when all employees of our branch offices and home office outposts come together. This happened too on 14th December 2018 in the restaurant Rössle in Braz (A).
The colleagues from Upper Austria didn’t bring any snow with them but still we had a great time. First we chatted away in the beer garden, enjoying hot cider and a warming fire – at least until the ladies started to feel a little bit cold even so.
In a lovely atmosphere we savoured the excellent meal and one or two glasses of wine.
Once more Manuela played Santa and presented all employees with vouchers and the donation of each a goat for a farming family in Burundi. It is good to know that in all our abundance the true spirit of Christmas isn’t forgotten: to help those in need and to meet your beloved ones/your colleagues.
The stork visited amiko three times in a short time. We congratulate our employees to their offspring:
- Walter is happy about the birth of his little Nils.
- Rudi gets male backing in his family with his Philipp again.
- Alexander becomes daddy the first time with daughter Rosalie.
We wish you all the best for the future!