Today we report of two very different endings.
First, we are proudly announcing that Marina finished her master’s course in civil engineering at the University of Innsbruck in August with excellent grades. We congratulate our new chartered engineer wholeheartedly and are happy that she will use her knowledge and skills to 100% for amiko from now on.
On the other hand, we have to yield our long-time engineer Anna to 100% to the University from October on. She studies environmental engineering and was offered the position of a tutor at the University of Vienna starting the next term. A big thank-you at this point for her first-rate work, her readiness to help others and her humour, which helped her mastering even stressful situations. We cross fingers for the rest of her studies and wish Anna the very best for her professional and private future!

A summit meeting between East and West took place on 1st July 2022 in the hotel Rössle in Braz (Vorarlberg). Almost all staff members and their partners of our offices in the West and East of Austria met for a belated Christmas do. The four-course meal was once more the peak of awesome cooking.
As Covid thwarted a party in December we decided to find an alternative date in summer. Obviously our Christmas do confused the gods of weather, because it suddenly felt like autumn in Braz. So we couldn’t enjoy an outdoor gathering but had a great time indoors just as well.
Sascha turned up in short trousers completely unimpressed by the short-term change in the weather pattern. In shorts to the Christmas party? No problem with amiko! Also no problem for the staff of the Rössle was the fact, that some of us enjoyed their hospitality until very late in the night.
Many thanks to our boss for the invitation to this very special Christmas meal!
We are happy to post that our summer-interns Jonas, Alexander and Sarah will support us during their holidays from university again. There is work waiting for them already as we have been commissioned by the County Government of Vorarlberg with several inspections of bridges and constructions. This means that our “summer visitors” will join our “old-timers” on, under and around bridges and supporting structures of all kinds. Already Marina and Michael are busily inspecting bridges regarding their condition.
We are also able to do more inspections for the ASFINAG on motorways. For quite some time now Rudi and Angela are examining tunnels on the A2 in night shifts.
As Anja left us for three months in order to work on an alp called Klesenza, Anna can take over her place and swap her study books for the digital drawing board.
Apart from all these tasks we must not forget our Christmas do, which we had to put on hold last year due to Covid. But on 1st July we are finally going to meet in the Hotel Rössle in Braz for our summer Christmas event! We are looking forward to it a lot, because almost all members of staff from Bludenz, Bad Ischl, Raggal and the outpost University Innsbruck will meet.
We wish all our colleagues and partners a wonderful summer time and restful holidays!

We have very good and one sad news from our staff-front:
Anja Müller is back at amiko working as a designing engineer. A few years ago, she was already part of our team. Meanwhile she was employed as a draughtswoman at the chamber of agriculture Vorarlberg. We are happy to have her here in Bludenz and that she can support us with her longtime experience.
Our marketing assistant Kathi Gut is in maternity leave since November and already gave birth to a sweet little girl. We would like to congratulate her on this way with all our heart!
Bahaa Almaliki returned to the big city of Vienna, therefore he had to leave us at the end of October too. We wish him the best of luck for his future!

Sascha invited all of us with our partners and children to a barbecue/outing to say “thank you” to the families of the amiko staff, because they have to share their Mums and Dads with the company so often.
The colleagues in Ischl started on 24th September 2021 with a hiking trip to the Lippenbauern-chalet on the Rettenbachalm. A tasty meal was waiting there for the big and small hikers. In the cosy chalet in picturesque surroundings they could sit and chat comfortably and the children had space enough to romp around.
On 1st October 2021 the crew in Bludenz met for a placid barbecue afternoon in Manuela’s little “witch’s house”. The date had to be postponed several times because the weather wasn’t good enough. But the most delicious meal and drinks as well as the enjoyable atmosphere made up for the deferrals.
Many thanks to Sascha for his generosity and his commitment as “master of the grill”!
What can amiko do during the pandemic? We look ahead.
We know all about home office and reduced working hours. Still we can call ourselves lucky to be awarded a contract for several interesting projects at these economically difficult times:
- Conversion of canteen at SPAR head office Dornbirn: planning of structural framework
- Conversion of SPAR supermarket Göfis: planning of structural framework
- Conversion of SPAR supermarket Mäder: structural engineering
- Conversion of SPAR supermarket Schlins: structural engineering
- Inspection of various bridge-/trough- and supporting constructions for the county government of Vorarlberg
- Consultancy regarding structural engineering for the town council of Bad Ischl
- Planning works and issuing of energy performance certificates for detached houses
- We have been commissioned with the inspection of tunnels and bridges as well as planning works by the ASFINAG for the motorways A1, A10, A14 and the express highway S06.
…top priority. Therefore we have to reduce our presence in the office starting from 16th March 2020.
You can still reach us under and we will take care of your requests as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy!
Your team of amiko

As Albert Einstein used to say: “If the old year was successful, then look forward to the new one and if it was bad, yes then do so more than ever.”
Thus we wish all our customers, colleagues and partners a happy New Year.

Rudolph’s nose was gone all red, when a pressure on the bladder he had. He had more mulled wine than he ought, but still amiko’s wishes he brought. We wish you a merry Christmas and a time of quietness and peace with the ones dear to you!

… and therefore holds a drawing for 1 x 2 day tickets in the Silvretta Montafon skiing area.
Just visit us on facebook, like our side, solve the riddle and comment the result. Have fun racking your brains!

…European cultural capital 2024 but for us also one of the most beautiful areas in Austria. Not only the town, but also its inhabitants are a true cultural asset. They do their jobs with zest and capture everyone’s heart with their good humour. These are some of the reasons why we already opened a branch in Bad Ischl in 2012.
With all its diversity the Upper-Austrian spa town has beaten Dornbirn and St. Pölten in the competition for Europe’s cultural capital.
We are proud to have a branch office in such a unique town.